FRESH Maverick concrete in St Ives is now open
MASSIVE thanks to Senara, Elise, Gill, Stef and the ENTIRE St Ives Skatepark Project team, who had the vision to make this project a reality along with Lou and Andy at St Ives Town Council with support from the St Ives Town Deal… and of course our inspirational Maverick build crew.
An AWESOME example of what is possible when Community Groups and Councils work together WITH us to push the boundaries for UK Skatepark provision.
Unstoppable STOKE machine!
““working with Maverick Industries … what can we say ? they are exceptional skate park designers who worked closely alongside the community and funders from the inception to deliver their vision. Maverick work on projects over a period of years and remain committed, understanding that it can take a long time to secure funding and deliver. They never lost faith in us.
On site, they are everything you want from an excellent contractor. They understand their design and build process so well that the whole contract went really smoothly. They worked with the community, kept key stakeholders on board, were flexible about meeting dates and pulled out all the stops to meet our challenging timescales.
Once funding was secured for the St Ives Park, Maverick were on site within 8 weeks and went from start on site to a completed park in under 4 months. They worked through snow and all weathers and stayed with us right up until the launch day to welcome in riders for the first time.
Their passion and commitment is truly exceptional and the best thing is.. they love their parks… and so we know it is not the end of our story.””
Louise Dwelly
Town Clerk St Ives Town Council
Photo by Tom Bailey
““This is a groundbreaking new park, offering innovation, a wealth of features for a range of users and an abundance of quality lines.
It leads the way for British skateparks and is installed to an excellent standard.””
David Yearley RoSPA
““Maverick build the best UK pools. Attention to detail, aesthetic beauty and challenging to ride. They listen to experienced skaters and put that knowledge into their creations.
Now is the best time ever to be a skateboarder. Maverick keep raising the bar and making amazing pools and bowls”””
““Maverick are a cracking team that design & realise beautiful and functional ‘concrete art’”
St Ives Skatepark
Penbeagle Lane
St Ives
TR26 2JQ