The miniramp is the bedrock of many of the most successful skateparks. The Maverick mini is designed with two ninety degree corners to enable riders to generate speed in and out of the space. Our miniramp features two long, opposing coping lines which enable riders to perform long grinds both frontside and backside; as well as a multitude of technical tricks using the opposing transitions. The mini features a rounded, pronounced hip to the southside and rolled volcano and spine section to the north. The two features are separated by a bowled corner that rises up 450mm through waterfalls at either end.
The bowled, raised corner provides a fast and flowing entry in and out of the mini. The two ends of the bowl are linked up with wide spine section which could be sessioned, end-to-end, if the bowl is quiet or used as a return when it busier.
The other side of the facility features a uniquely shaped transition area with corner extension and pocket bowl. The extension is designed to enable riders to generate speed into the raised corner that links the bowls together. The southside of the bowl features to mellow hips in a row to give the space a challenging yet interesting feel. To the far east of the space is a 750mm raised pocket bowl. This feature allows riders to carve backside or frontside and make a return run.
Memorial Playing Fields
Hogshill Street